Assignment (Due 10/29): Choose a passage from one of the Anti-Federalist writers, write out the passage and give your interpretation of the passage, then explain what this passage means to you or why you chose it.
Go to the link for "American Politics." Look up the section "Federalism" and explain the differences between horizontal and vertical federalism.
The Article I'm Choosing is from the writer Centinel AKA Samuel Bryan. it was from the first article he wrote and it reads as follows:
Permit one of yourselves to put you in mind of certain liberties and privileges secured to you by the constitution of this commonwealth, and to beg your serious attention to his uninterested opinion upon the plan of federal government submitted to your consideration, before you surrender these great and valuable privileges up forever. Your present frame of government, secures to you a right to hold yourselves, houses, papers and possessions free from search and seizure, and therefore warrants granted without oaths or affirmations first made, affording sufficient foundation for them, whereby any officer or messenger may be commanded or required to search your houses or seize your persons or property, not particularly described in such warrant, shall not be granted. Your constitution further provides "that in controversies respecting property, and in suits between man and man, the parties have a right to trial by jury, which ought to be held sacred." It also provides and declares. "that the people have a right of FREEDOM OF SPEECH, and of WRITING and PUBLISHING their sentiments, therefore THE FREEDOM OF THE PRESS OUGHT NOT TO BE RESTRAINED.
To me this article is saying to the reader that before they accept the newly reformed federal government they should stop and remember the laws and freedoms they have now stating basically that ones the federal government takes effect they will lose more than they gained. HE goes on to say that privacy will no longer be respect that as of now before the new policies kick in yourself, home, papers, and everything you own is free from government search and seizure without a consented warrant. Now officers will be able to search through all you own without consent and before this matter could be taken to court now it will just be a law. The writer feels a lot of rights given by the constitution to be more in control of the government when in fact they are suppose to b free rights.
Second assignment:
Vertical Federalism means the interactions between the 50 states in terms of government issues. The Government in each of the 50 states all interact with each other and have to come up with reasoning's and solutions together. All the power is divided between the states in terms of many of the countries polices. The difference between that and Horizontal Federalism is Horizontal Federalism has a central government in charge of all the policy dealings and situations however amongst the government are different branches and houses each with their own specific task.
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